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Message   Arelor    Jas Hud site   June 16, 2024
 6:49 AM *  

  Re: site
  By: Jas Hud to August Abolins on Sat Jun 15 2024 09:39 pm

 >  > That is not a solution just to visit ONE site.
 > windows 7 came out aroudn 2009.
 > you should upgrade.
 > even windows 10 is old.

I certainly would not walk into the Internet with a Windows 7 these days, but I
think I will bring up some random thought I shared with friends last friday:

How the fucking fuck can my old fucktard computer from the Windows 7 era feel
snappier and more fluid while running its original Operating System than my
mother's modern computer running its own Original Operating system?

Commercial Operating Systems have been in regression for a good while. You need
to purchase systems with a fuckload of CPU cores and RAM to keep doing about the
same thing you used to do with less than half the resources. It is no wonder
people wants to stick to their ancient setups.

--- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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