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Message   Jas Hud    August Abolins   book: the coming wave   June 10, 2024
 11:47 PM *  

  To: August Abolins
  Re: book: the coming wave
  By: August Abolins to Jas Hud on Tue Jun 11 2024 12:18 am

 > From Newsgroup: micronet.comp
 > Hello Jas Hud!
 >  JH> Soon we will be at home in the dark with no job eating
 >  JH> bugs while our robot overlords take over the earth.
 > In an AI dominated world *we* are the bugs.  If AI is left
 > unchecked, the fear is that it would choose to eliminate the
 > "problem" which is humans.  :(

if anything's going to destroy the human race, it will be us.
I don't think ai or robots will.  okay maybe aliens.

there's this lady who wrote on linkedin and she's been copied and other people
have changed it.

"I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for
AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes."

That sums it up. We are doing it wrong. Kids are writing their exams with AI.  I
was taking a test for work and I looked up one of the subjects on the internet
(we were allowed to do so) and fucking  google came up with AI results.  I can't
trust that, and I wont.  other people do.
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