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Message   Jas Hud    Mike Powell   book: the coming wave   June 10, 2024
 2:19 PM *  

  To: Mike Powell
  Re: book: the coming wave
  By: Mike Powell to August Abolins on Mon Jun 10 2024 06:51 am

 > From Newsgroup: micronet.comp
 >  > "Soon you will live surrounded by AIs. They will organize your
 >  > life, operate your business, and run core government services.
 >  > You will live in a world of DNA printers and quantum computers,
 >  > engineered pathogens and autonomous weapons, robot assistants
 >  > and abundant energy.
 > Skynet is coming!  :o  :D
 > Mike

every search engine now has ai answers.
AI is the next big thing; it's all 'they' talk about.

Soon we will be at home in the dark with no job eating bugs while our robot
overlords take over the earth.

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