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Message   August Abolins    All   book: the coming wave   June 9, 2024
 10:51 PM *  

 The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first  
Century's Greatest Dilemma | Hardcover

Mustafa Suleyman | Michael Bhaskar

Crown | Crown
Technology & Engineering / Social Aspects / Social Science / Future Studies /
Computers / Artificial Intelligence
Published Sep 5, 2023

"We are approaching a critical threshold in the history of our  
species. Everything is about to change.

"Soon you will live surrounded by AIs. They will organize your
life, operate your business, and run core government services.
You will live in a world of DNA printers and quantum computers,
engineered pathogens and autonomous weapons, robot assistants
and abundant energy.

"None of us are prepared.

"As co-founder of the pioneering AI company DeepMind, part of
Google, Mustafa Suleyman has been at the center of this
revolution. The coming decade, he argues, will be defined by
this wave of powerful, fast-proliferating new technologies.

"In The Coming Wave, Suleyman shows how these forces will
create immense prosperity but also threaten the nation-state,
the foundation of global order. As our fragile governments
sleepwalk into disaster, we face an existential dilemma:
unprecedented harms on one side, the threat of overbearing
surveillance on the other.

"Can we forge a narrow path between catastrophe and dystopia?
Is it possible to contain the threat of AI?

"This groundbreaking book from the ultimate AI insider
establishes "the containment problem" - the task of maintaining
control over powerful technologies - as the essential challenge
of our age.

--- OpenXP 5.0.58
 * Origin:  (618:400/23.10)
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