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Message   Kevin Nunn    All   OS/2 on SSD Progress   December 22, 2019
 6:21 PM *  

An update on my project to move the BBS over to a SSD based OS/2 system. I got
ARCA installed and running great on the machine and I have a nice partition
scheme setup and everything. I was 90% ready to move the BBS over until I ran
into a few issues that I will need to work on. Hopefully over the Christmas

1) DOS window problems. I have this same problem on the current machine and I
was able to fix it and get it working with a config.sys change and some entries
in the autoexec.bat file. But those changes didn't fix it on the new machine.
So I'll need to mess with that some more. 

2) SIO loading error. I am using 1.60d which works fine on the current machine.
When it tries to load SIO on the new machine I get the blue SIO info stage, but
then it fails to load the driver. I don't have any other comm drivers
installed, so I'll have to toy with as well. 

Fun times ahead for the Christmas Holidays :)

~~~ TGWave v1.12+
--- Telegard/2 v3.09.g2-sp4/mL
 * Origin: Razor's Domain/2 BBS  (618:200/1)
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