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Message   Gamgee    Jas Hud   Re: USB Version of a spec   May 16, 2024
 9:23 PM *  

-=> Jas Hud wrote to Mike Powell <=-

 JH> so it's 2 of us that backup.

It's many more than that.

 JH> i am pretty sure about 99% of sysops do not backup,

On what factual evidence do you base that irrational statement?

 JH> and if they think they are backing up they are doing it in a
 JH> shitty manner.

There may actually be a little bit of truth in that statement.

I do a "differential" rsync of the BBS machine to another machine on my 
LAN, and to an offsite "cloud" server, every single night in the wee hours 
(automated).  I do a semi-automated backup to yet another LAN machine just 
prior to doing a BBS update, about once a month.  Oh, and every now 
and then when the mood strikes me (at least once a quarter), I burn 
my home directory and /sbbs to a DVD-R and put it on a shelf.  Pretty 
confident I'm covered for anything that may come up.

... Pros are those who do their jobs well, even when they don't feel like it.
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