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Message   Tiny    August Abolins   fibre experience, anyone?   April 21, 2024
 7:23 AM *  

 -=> Quoting August Abolins to All <=-

 AA> When I asked what "didn't qualify" meant, all he could tell me
 AA> was that first there wasn't any "assignment" for my address -
 AA> which was later corrected - but something else is behind the

I had a similar issue with Robers Cable.  I had been with a reseller of
Robbers (Fido) for 7 or 8 years.  Since fido is shutting down I was offered
a good deal for Robbers Ignite.  After countless time on hold with various
tech's (as like you my address was wrong - in my case missing apartment
number) they told me my FLOOR wasn't supported.

So floors 1-8 and 10-12 are supported, just not floor 9.  The same floor
I had cable internet on for 8 years.  The same floor my neighbour across
the hall from me has ignite on.

After even MORE time on hold I was able to cancel and have the bill reversed
but I still don't believe that, I'm sure it will come back to bite me in
the ass when I next need credit.

Switched to Bhell fibe.... it works.  $30 more a month.  Even though I pay
for a fast connection downloads are much slower then they were on Fido.


... Politician: n., Organism closely related to pond scum, see Crud.
--- Blue Wave/386 v2.30
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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