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Message   Arelor    Kurt Weiske   Re: FreeBSD dropping 32-b   February 20, 2024
 5:35 PM *  

  Re: Re: FreeBSD dropping 32-b
  By: Kurt Weiske to Arelor on Tue Feb 20 2024 06:53 am

 > My first intro to 3rd party firmware was when I needed more port
 > forwarding entries than old Linksys firmware provided. Now, I'm looking
 > at setting up a VLAN for my homelab, running a VPN server for access to
 > my network from the road, and traffic logging so I can monitor how much
 > bandwidth I'm using each month.

How many nerds here have bought old Linksys gear just because slapping OpenWRT
on them was easy? :-P

I am partial for Mikrotik equipment, though. The less expensive tiers come with
firmware that is nearly enterprise grade. They have hardware offloading and you
can delegate lots of routing functions to the dedicated chips. Of course they
can do the regular VPNing, VLANing, logging and firewalling.

I have my IP blacklists and bruteforce protection integrated with my Mikrotik
routers. Do you know how people installs fail2ban on a server in order to
prevent bruteforcing against common services? I have a hack running on the
router itself in close collaboration with a log server.

--- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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