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Message   Kurt Weiske    Digimaus   Re: pfSense   January 28, 2024
 10:23 AM *  

-=> Digimaus wrote to Havok <=-

 -=> Havok wrote to Sean Dennis <=-

 Ha>  Laughing God I hate when people brag 6 cents kw/h

 Di> It's because I get power from the Tennessee Valley Authority.  The
 Di> price fluctuates a lot.  Right now it's about 13 cents/kwh becausw it's
 Di> winter.

$489 in California, on an EV time-of-day plan. 3 bedroom house, 2 gas
heaters and 2 electric space heaters.

We did a remodel in our bedroom last year and ditched a huge gas heater.
Most of the time that we're in there, we're in bed under covers, so
don't need heat in that room very often.

Our rates just went up 20%. Our utility company has a pretty good thing

0. Have a virtual monopoly on residential power.
1. Offer rebates to EV buyers to increase electric demand.
2. Make rooftop solar harder to install and throw roadblocks to selling
power back to the utility.
3. Profit.
4. Funnel profits into stock buybacks, increasing shareholder value.
5. Be found liable for infrastructure safety issues that cause massive
fire damage, leveling entire towns.
6. Lobby the PUC to raise rates to pay for fire damages, infrastructure
improvements and pathetic TV commercials portraying a for-profit utility
as your neighborhood friends.
7. Receive rate increases.
8. Repeat.

Everyone knows it should be privatized but whoever attempts it will have
so much campaign money funneled to their opponents that they'd never
make it through the next election.

 Di> December, January, and Feburary are my most expensive months due to
 Di> heating costs.  Spring and summer are usually much cheaper since I
 Di> mainly use fans to cool off with.

 Ha>  And down here in Florida I thought I was lucky with 112.00 last month.

 Di> That's really not bad, honestly.

 Ha>  Good luck on your project!

 Di> Thanks!  As soon as I get home, I'll start working on it.  I'm going to
 Di> get things ready for when I have foot reconstruction surgery and stay
 Di> here for a few months, I won't have issues like I did this time though
 Di> admittedly it was an unexpected hospitalization,

 Di> -- Sean

 Di> ... A bike in town keeps running me over.  It's a vicious cycle.
 Di> --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
 Di>  * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)

... Breathe more deeply
--- MultiMail/Win v0.52
 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/16)
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