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Message   Jas Hud    Mike Powell   Malwarebytes reports troj   January 26, 2024
 10:15 AM *  

  To: Mike Powell
  Re: Malwarebytes reports troj
  By: Mike Powell to JAS HUD on Fri Jan 26 2024 09:20 am

 > > et.  He had some thing on his website that if you send him unsollicited
 > > email u owe him money.  I'll have to go on the wayback machine and look it
 > > up for a od laugh.
 > LOL, that is almost as good as the guy who was afraid of the "mro
 > botnet"!

Oh that's mr proper. he was a drug addict that actually scammed some sysops out
of money and hardware.  he still comes back once in a while and runs a bbs and
takes it down. he now goes by his ham id, kk4qbn.
Nobody believed that stuff he was saying.

 > Yeah, I have since been told that peerblock also has a hard-on for my IPA,
 > probably from sharing data.

Peerblock  blocks a lot of stuff, especially via the web. if you are a
residential ip you might be on there.

 > That is the odd thing.  I don't actually have a static IPA.  That is, I am
 > not supposed to and am not paying for the service.  However, it has
 > remained the same for a long time now.  If it would change when I rebooted
 > my modem, like it used to, I would just do that and be done with it.

Put in another router and you should get a new ip address from your provider.
then check to see if you are blocked again by malwarebytes.
There's other ways to do it but that's a pretty quick way to switch back and

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