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Message   Nick Andre    Arelor   Re: Alternative Win32 Telnet Client?   January 15, 2024
 9:42 AM *  

On 15 Jan 24  04:13:26, Arelor said the following to Nick Andre:

A> If you are connecting a board over Tor, SSH is much safer to torify (and les
A> hackish). I often connect to boards over SSH myself.

My point was that it takes a special kind of person to call into a board in
2024; more special if that person cares to remember a custom telnet port.

But its a hilarious kind of "special" to have a user demanding SSH, while
oblivious to how a Sysop can watch everything at the console, a user who
just calls once only and does nothing different than the telnet user.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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