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Message   Arelor    Nick Andre   Re: Alternative Win32 Telnet Client?   January 15, 2024
 4:08 AM *  

  Re: Re: Alternative Win32 Telnet Client?
  By: Nick Andre to Shurato on Tue Jan 09 2024 10:01 am

 > I'm not quite sure I understand why you are doing SSH in an internal
 > network, but Mtelnet is my favorite - one executable... others like using
 > Syncterm, Net runner etc.

Captain paranoia speaking: with so much IoT crap running in homes right now, it
is often easier to ensure your chinesse light bulbs don't spy on you by using
encrypted tunnels within your LAN than by any other method (say, static ARP
over a wired switched network).

When I was younger I had my LAN computers talk to each other over IPSEC. I set
it up only for fun, but it worked quite well.

--- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
 * Origin: Palantir * * Pensacola, FL * (618:250/24)
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