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Message   Shurato    Nick Andre   Re: Alternative Win32 Telnet Client?   January 11, 2024
 2:18 PM *  

 NA> On 10 Jan 24  19:55:00, Shurato said the following to Jas Hud:

 NA>S> I don't, I want to for my users who are paranoid and want to use ssh
 NA> instead
 NA>S> of telnet.  Everything I do is for users I don't have, not me.  I'd
 NA> just lik
 NA>S> to be able to do this from windows and get rid of my linux vm.

 NA> In 25 years of offering telnet access I've never had one that ever wanted

 NA> I really don't understand the fascination of any Sysop that wants to offer
 NA> that. All of the convoluted Rube Goldberg in-betweenisms needed for a type
 NA> of user that simply does not exist. Note that I said user... because what
 NA> I do understand is the topic began on Fsx which itself is a Net
 NA> almost entirely comprised of insufferable Linux Sysops. Not users...
 NA> Sysops.

 NA> When the idea was challenged on the merit the rebuttal was tech. Because
 NA> Linux. Because we can, we must... offering something really only
 NA> understood by another insufferable Linux Sysop. These are people
 NA> who I guarantee they have never ran a board before, never had
 NA> thousands of users or multiline systems in the 90's. But they're
 NA> here now, they're Linux, and they know it all.

 NA> No user calling a board prefers or even tries connecting via SSH. Only the
 NA> insufferable Linux Sysop prefers this. And no, they are not paranoid
 NA> users. Far from it... That "user" has a level of expectation
 NA> and mannerism an average caller does not have.

 NA> I wouldn't want such a user on my board anyway as right off the bat he
 NA> feels  a sense of techno-entitlement. Not ever realising that I could
 NA> be watching at the console. So much for the "security" for
 NA> mister-paranoid who probably would call once and vanish anyway.
 NA> Who wants that?

  Honestly  I have very little in my life other than my BBS.  It gives me
something to do, when otherwise I would have nothing.  Even for users I don't
have, I would go that extra mile.  Like adding email or a web interface or my
own proxy (when the ftelnet proxy wouldn't work).  It gives me something to
do, even though it's not for me.

Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp)
(ports 22, 23, 110, 21, 119) (ssh: login bbs password shsbbs)

*** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
 * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet:// (618:300/50)
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