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Message   Shurato    Jas Hud   Alternative Win32 Telnet Client?   January 10, 2024
 7:54 PM *  

 JH> To: Shurato
 JH> Re: Alternative Win32 Telnet Client? By: Shurato to Jas Hud on Tue
 JH> Jan 09 2024 11:06 am

 JH> > My BBS software doesn't support ssh.  I'm using a linux shell with an
 JH> ssh
 JH> > server that telnets to the bbs internally, so the telnet session isn't
 JH> > leaked.

 JH> so you are only asking what telnet client you can use? just so you
 JH> know, telnet isnt what people would call secure.

I know, the telnet is underneath the ssh connection, internally on my
network, so it's not exposed.

 JH> >  > telnet is a protocol.

 JH> > It's also an application.  The windows 10 telnet application is a
 JH> command

 JH> telnet = protocol telnet client = application that uses protocol.

 JH> >  > okay internet says ezstream is a command line source client  for
 JH> icecast.

 JH> > ezstream is relevant as I'm running that from Linux like I am ssh and
 JH> telnet
 JH> > and want to switch everything to windows.

 JH> dude, speak english. so now you are looking for an icecast client
 JH> alternative?

No!  That was just conversational additive.  I don't need that, I already
know it exists.  I'm trying to switch everything from linux to windows and
I'm running ezstream under linux, instead of windows.  That's all.  I don't
need help with that.

 JH> also your bbs tagline says you support ssh

I have ssh from a linux machine, which then internally telnets to the bbs.
It is secure, because it's within my internal network.  I'm trying to do this
from within windows, not linux.

 JH> if you want security you could run a synchronet bbs and have ssh only
 JH> access. then it could forward to your local telnet port on your elebbs
 JH> bbs.

No simpler than what I'm already doing.

Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp)
(ports 22, 23, 110, 21, 119) (ssh: login bbs password shsbbs)

*** THE READER V4.50 [freeware]
 * Origin: Shurato's Heavenly Sphere telnet:// (618:300/50)
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