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Message   Sean Dennis    Kurt Weiske   What older computers you got?   December 5, 2023
 11:19 AM *  

Hello Kurt,

Tuesday December 05 2023 06:29, you wrote to me:

 KW> I've wanted to play with ZFS on my Proxmox "cluster" (2 systems).
 KW> Apparently it supports high-availability when you share ZFS
 KW> filesystems via ceph.

The FreeBSD team has done a great job with ZFS.  Kirk McKusic (sp?), one of the
original developers behind FreeBSD added UFS snapshots recently.  When I used
FreeBSD, I used only UFS (I didn't really need ZFS) at the time.

I enjoyed using FreeBSD as my desktop OS but without certain features I need, I
had to go back to Linux.  For some reson, Google refuses to port Widevine to the

-- Sean

... If God didn't want us to hunt, He wouldn't have given us plaid shirts.
--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN * (618:618/1)
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