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Message   Kurt Weiske    Nick Andre   Re: What older computers you got?   December 5, 2023
 6:34 AM *  

-=> Nick Andre wrote to Kurt Weiske <=-

 NA> I actually seriously considered a laptop when planning the phaseout of
 NA> the noisy HP servers... but did not find a model that had auto-poweron
 NA> after failure in Bios. One Ethernet and no Raid was another reason I
 NA> passed.

I have my external storage on a Synology and back Proxmox and my BBS VM
to it, worst case I'll need to re-install Proxmox, set up storage and
restore. My new Proxmox server has a NVMe and a free PCIe x16 slot, I
wonder if adding another NVMe would allow me to set up RAID 1?

I watched a homelab video where the guy set up a homelab on a laptop.
Set the laptop on the back of the screen, took the back off, added in a
mini-pci card with SATA connectors on it and set up a RAID with bare
drives. It was a self-admitted fire hazard, but was pretty impressive as
a POC.

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