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Message   Kurt Weiske    Nick Andre   Re: What older computers you got?   December 3, 2023
 10:05 AM *  

-=> Nick Andre wrote to Chad Adams <=-

 NA> Same here, running a full mail system and telnet port 23 on Vmware EXSI
 NA> without any problems. Went from some HP rack hardware to a single I7
 NA> system completely silent and more energy efficient. Am guessing the
 NA> fish and lizard tanks here use more power than that system.

Mine's an i7 laptop! Silent, and built-in UPS comes standard.

I'm limited to one ethernet port. Theoretically I could add a USB
ethernet NIC, but this seems to work for my admittedly low-end workloads
- the BBS, a small AD test environment, and a couple of Linux VMs.

... Where is the center of the maze?
--- MultiMail/Win v0.52
 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/16)
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