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Message   Jas Hud    Nick Andre   Re: What older computers you got?   December 3, 2023
 2:39 AM *  

  To: Nick Andre
  Re: Re: What older computers you got?
  By: Nick Andre to Chad Adams on Sun Dec 03 2023 12:14 am

 > From Newsgroup: micronet.comp
 > On 02 Dec 23  22:14:36, Chad Adams said the following to Nick Andre:
 > CA>  NA> A BBS VM shouldn't even be a blip on anyone's hydrobill...
 > CA> It costs me pennies. And I have multiple VMs with Static IPs will all
 > CA> ports open, even mail.
 > completely silent and more energy efficient. Am guessing the fish and lizard
 > tanks here use more power than that system.

if you don't already have one, buy one of these:
Yes, fishtanks and heaters for reptiles do use a lot of power.

With a kill-o-watt meter you can see what appliances are energy vampires.
My gf had an old samsung tv that was using as much power turned off as her
freaking aquarium filters for a 200gal tank.  It must have been defective
because I don't see how that is possible. I rigged a remote shut off for the tv
for when it wasn't in use.
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