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Message   Jas Hud    Chad Adams   Re: What older computers you got?   December 3, 2023
 2:35 AM *  

  To: Chad Adams
  Re: Re: What older computers you got?
  By: Chad Adams to Nick Andre on Sat Dec 02 2023 10:14 pm

 > From Newsgroup: micronet.comp
 > On 02 Dec 2023, Nick Andre said the following...
 >  NA> On 01 Dec 23  23:06:50, Chad Adams said the following to Shawn
 >  NA> Highfield:
 >  NA> CA> I run mine on VM's - have for years. I have no interest in keeping
 >  NA> CA> har running. Especially the low cost of VMs that will run a BBS
 >  NA> CA> now!
 >  NA> A BBS VM shouldn't even be a blip on anyone's hydrobill...
 > It costs me pennies. And I have multiple VMs with Static IPs will all ports
 > open, even mail.

It costs me about 67 bucks a month to rent my server but that's pretty cheap
compared to other providers. I tried going the cheap route and I had some
problems and a few adventures.

One guy actually yanked my access when I was uploading my web files. He ended up
being crooked and I got him kicked off paypal and webhostingtalk. He was even
editing my support tickets trying to fake it but i sent MY SCREENSHOTS to paypal
which got him nuked.  Then I had other providers where they were overselling and
I was losing resources and connectivity.   Can't have that when you run an irc

ovh made some rule where if you are american you can't use some of their
services and instead you have to use a specific site.  I'm not sure if they
reverted that but it sucks. I think they were feeling the pinch from the post
covid times.  That's when they jacked up prices and wanted money per ip.
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