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Message   Jas Hud    Sean Dennis   9-pin dot matrix   November 30, 2023
 8:45 AM *  

  To: Sean Dennis
  Re: 9-pin dot matrix
  By: Sean Dennis to Jas Hud on Thu Nov 30 2023 08:03 am

 > From Newsgroup: micronet.comp
 >  JH> if anybody has a dotmatrix printer,hang onto it.
 > I saw a few printers (IBM dot matrix line printers on their own stand;
 > massive and heavy printers) that were $10,000+ on eBay last night.
 > Like I said earlier, I really regret not taking my old dot matrix home
 > before I lost my storage room.  I knew then I'd regret it.
 > -- Sean
 > P.S.  There were a few reasonably priced printers but the sellers wanted
 > just as much money for shipping.

shipping is expensive if i you dont have a partnership with uspostal or ups.

yeah i'm looking on ebay and the price of dotmatrix printers and shipping is
they are even selling manuals for 16 bucks has some for 160 total.
amazon has one for 200 bucks.

remember when i said you should use a filter and be a cam girl? nows the time
to run the scam!
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