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Message   Sean Dennis    All   A little side work   November 29, 2023
 11:16 PM *  

Hi everyone,

Finally picked up some paying sidework.  Repairing/upgrading two older
Dells, a laptop and a desktop.  The laptop needs a new SSD and I'll slap
Windows 11 on it.  The desktop doesn't boot from what I';ve been told but it
seems that there's "errors showing" and I suspect the BIOS battery is dead.
Might upgrade both computers from 8GB to 16GB and slap a new 1TB HDD in
the desktop as well as W11.  The best part, I'm being given an older Dell
desktop that "weighs a ton".  Another spare computer to stuff in my storage

I'm slowly starting to build up my spare computers again much to my chagrin.

-- Sean

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