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Message   Jas Hud    Nick Andre   Re: backup for windows p   October 10, 2023
 4:23 PM *  

  To: Nick Andre
  Re: Re: backup for windows p
  By: Nick Andre to Jas Hud on Tue Oct 10 2023 02:59 pm

 > From Newsgroup: micronet.comp
 > On 07 Oct 23  18:29:44, Jas Hud said the following to Sean Dennis:
 > JH> oh relax i'm just playing with nick and he knows it.
 > JH> or most of the time he knows it.
 > I'm afraid I don't... I missed that memo somewhere between all of your
 > lowercase nonsense trolling. For no reason other than the choice of OS that
 > runs a silly board that has nothing to do with you whatsoever.

you are just as bad as i am in regards to the back and forth stuff.
and again you wound me with your comments about lowercase letters.

 > If you can take a moment to figure out how to send Netmail, even better.
 > Then you can discuss your "exact problem" with me one on one outside of
 > Micronet.

sorry, netmail is too hard for me to figure out. i wish i could learn how to do
it some day.  first i need to figure out how to capitalize letters, i would say.

Please accept my apology.

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