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Message   August Abolins    Jas Hud   Backups?   September 24, 2023
 8:51 AM *  

 >> [1] it's an msi, which implies it wants hooks in the
 >> registry and all that jazz. i don't want yet-another-
 >> windows prog that does that.

 JH> oh there's something being created when you run a program
 JH> and then it creates params and then there's stuff added in
 JH> the registry.

True enuff.. the windows registry tracks and records a lot of  
stuff anyway.

 JH> so are you uploading them to a host with *unlimited?  be
 JH> careful. i know people who got terminated because of that.

About 15 yrs ago the host blocked ftp when I rigged up a couple  
of cams to send updated images every few minutes.  At that time  
they said they had concern of the "regular ftp hits" or  
something like that.  But.. meanwhile, IoT devices and,  
internet-connected NASes, and other new technologies have been  
introduced.  Hopefully the concern for using webstorage has  
slackened to accomodate all the other kind of "server" activity  
people use.

After my first large backup of files, the regular updates to  
the webhost space would be smaller (only changed files), and  
maybe just once a day at the most.

--- OpenXP 5.0.57
 * Origin:  (618:500/23.10)
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