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Message   Jas Hud    Daryl Stout   Re: Testing   February 18, 2023
 1:42 PM *  

  To: Daryl Stout
  Re: Re: Testing
  By: Daryl Stout to Jas Hud on Fri Feb 17 2023 04:07 am

 > From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_TEST
 >  JH> as your doctor i'd have to advise you against fast food.
 >  JH> high sodium and calories.
 >   All of the fast food, processed food (TV dinners, microwave meals, etc.)
 > and restaurant food, are DROWNING in sodium. It's about as bad as a pizza
 > covered in anchovies (to me, that's a massive salt lick).
 >   When my late wife and I ordered pizza, she'd tell them "I want every
 > anchovy that you have in the place", and I told her "you can have those
 > nasty things!!". I asked her one time, if she dropped one on the floor,
 > and the dachshund got it, what would she do...she growled "If he touches
 > it, he dies!!" <G>.
 >   She was born with a defective aortic heart valve, and it was ventricular
 > fibrillation that killed her 3 weeks shy of our 4th anniversary nearly 16
 > years ago now. When her parents and I tried to tell her that she needed
 > to cut down on the sodium, she (like so many others) gave us "the stink
 > eye". So, when she was seasoning her food, (I rarely did such), I would
 > sarcastically say "You must hate salt", and (while practically drowning
 > her burger, etc. in it) said "I just despise it". :P

yeah processed food is drenched in salt.  if we could see all the salt that was
added that might change our minds.  they have an insane amount of salt.

I avoid salt most of the time and just use pepper.

I know adding salt is a cultural thing with black people. I was raised by black
people most of the time and i would see them do 6 shakes of salt or more on
their dinner plate before even trying the food.  Then blacks have issues with
high bp and other problems so that doesn't mix well.

I think a lot of this food shit is psychological with people. I think people
need help to get off fast food.  They think they deserve a treat and they give
themself that treat.  they get into it at a young age and keep going back.

all mcdonalds make bank. they are busy all hours of the day.
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