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Message   Jas Hud    Kurt Weiske   Re: Besides, since September..   February 19, 2023
 1:13 PM *  

  To: Kurt Weiske
  Re: Re: Besides, since September..
  By: Kurt Weiske to digimaus on Sun Feb 19 2023 09:15 am

 > Trader Joe's has a great selection of frozen appetizers. Some times,
 > when we're feeling lazy and not up to making dinner, we'll make Samosas,
 > egg rolls, mini tater tots, "Parmesan Pups" (cocktail wieners wrapped in
 > parmesan covered croissant dough, delicious)
 > I've started cubing steak, tossing it in at 400 for 4 minutes and adding
 > it to salads.

i think a lot of people use airfryers like it's for making appetizers instead of
using the microwave.  it's a convection oven. you can use it for almost

 >  AA> I don't have any of things.  I just use the stove-top to boil
 >  AA> eggs once for the week.
 > Air fryers can do a pretty good batch of hard-boiled eggs, too.

i just did a dozen eggs for the raccoon outside.  took 15 mins
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