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Message   Kurt Weiske    digimaus   Re: Testing   February 18, 2023
 10:40 AM *  

  Re: Re: Testing
  By: digimaus to Daryl Stout on Sat Feb 18 2023 12:58 pm

di> I feel you on the "doesn't go very far". I am working on trying to get my
di> hearing loss and tinnitus (both rated at 10% each) service-connected
di> disability through the VA. It's not much but anything would help. I have

If you do research on hearing aids for tinnitus, let me know. I have significant
tinnitus, as does my mom. I'm looking at getting us in to get our hearing
checked. While a traditional hearing aid might just make it worse, I'm hopeful
that some of the new sound-shaping technologies will allow people to tune out
the frequencies that tinnitus presents.

Jabra is now selling a "self-fit" earbud/hearing aid, but the app for tuning
sound is iPhone-only.

di> Besides, since September, I have purchased a 6-quart slow cooker (I have an
di> old 3-quart also), a 6-quart Instant Pot, a nice countertop convection
di> oven, an immersion blender, and an electric griddle. I should put all of
di> that to good use. :D 

Seeing as you have thousands of recipes in your recipe database, I'd hope so! 

Slow cookers are great, some inexpensive cuts of meat, a potato, a carrot, an
onion, some spices, and you've got a great inexpensive base for a meal. Frozen
vegetables work well too, and there's much less waste.

di> It's stupidly expensive. So much so that my lazy butt will start cooking at
di> home for once.

At my local grocery store, definitely higher-end, I went to pick up a couple of
quick things before I got back to work. I picked up a chicken salad sandwich on
sliced sourdough - pre-made. $9.99. I put it back, felt that was crazy.

I am saving a ton of money on gas, lunch and coffee now that I work from home -
although my gas bill trying to keep the house warm while I'm working is eating
into those savings!
--- SBBSecho 3.20-Win32
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