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Message   Nigel Reed    Arelor   Re: Random cheerful message of the day   January 31, 2023
 1:35 PM *  

On Mon, 30 Jan 2023 08:50:08 -0600
"Arelor" <arelor@618:250/24> wrote:

> Hello,
> today we found a lost newborn calf wandering around, looking for her
> mommy in the fields. She must have been 10 minutes old when we found
> her. She seemed to decide I was her mommy and decided to stick to me.
> The poor thing was so cute I would have made some room for her in the
> barn if it had been feasible XD
> Eventually we took her to her real mom. The cowboy there was so happy
> to have the little darling back.
> I have done my good action of the year. I guess now I can resume my
> business of being a grumpy dude as usual :-P

Should have traded it for some veal...oh the irony ;)
End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
telnet 23
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 * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - (618:250/19)
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