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Message   Kurt Weiske    August Abolins   The 6-foot rule dates back to the late 1800s   January 24, 2023
 6:20 PM *  

  Re: The 6-foot rule dates back to the late 1800s
  By: August Abolins to Sean Dennis on Mon Jan 23 2023 08:38 am

AA> WRT to poor ventalation..

AA> "If you're in a room and someone coughs, sneezes, or
AA> speaks, the droplets they expel can hang around for a long
AA> time," said Capecelatro. "It doesn't matter where you are
AA> in the room. You are going to be breathing in some of those
AA> droplets, especially if there's poor ventilation."

NYU, when they opened back up post pandemic, introduced 15 minute passing
periods. They wanted any airborne aerosol droplets to settle before cleaning and
introducing a new class of students.
--- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
 * Origin: -- information is power. (618:300/1)
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