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Message   digimaus    All   Health   January 24, 2023
 6:42 PM *  

Hi everyone,

I was seen as the gastroenterology clinic today at the VA, and as I
suspected, I was diagnosed with post-anibiotic "issues" from that huge
amount of antibiotics I received last year.  I was prescribed two
medications to relieve some of the pain (now a total of three) and am
undergoing a colonscopy and endoscopy on March 28.  While I am out, they'll
also stretch my esophagus--this is due to damage and the lack of teeth that
have lead to issues swallowing.

This means I'm also going to tell the infectious disease doctor to screw
off.  I mean, I understand that when the only tool in yuour toolbox is a
hammer, everything looks like a nail, but my gut literally cannot take that

The good thing is that I now know the cause of the issue and it's nothing
worse, thankfully.

Now to get my ISP to upgrade my service as promised...

-- Sean
... When you cross Bounty and Viagra, you get The Quicker Pecker Upper.
--- MMail/FreeBSD
 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
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