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Message   Warpslide    August Abolins   Re: Internet Pricing   January 22, 2023
 9:54 PM *  

On 22 Jan 2023, August Abolins said the following...
 JH> Bell recently ran fibre down our street and knocked on my door..
 AA> Recently as in post-lockdowns?

Yeah, this was just in August/September that they were digging/drilling on the
street and late September when they were asking permission from all of the
residents to run fiber into their homes.

 JH> Though from what I understand Bell Fibe doesn't yet support IPv6..

 AA> Hmmm.. That sounds unusual.  I didn't know that.

I'm hoping that it might me a regional thing.  We're in a smaller suburb where
the fastest we can get here is "only" 1Gb up & down.  My father-in-law lives a
12 minute drive away and can get 3Gb up & down.  So maybe different areas have
different options available (like multi-gigabit and/or IPv6)?


... Back in my day, 56k was high speed!

--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
 * Origin: Northern Realms | | 289-424-5180 (618:500/23)
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