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Message   Jas Hud    Mark Hofmann   Re: Funeral Quest   January 9, 2023
 8:11 AM *  

  To: Mark Hofmann
  Re: Re: Funeral Quest
  By: Mark Hofmann to Sean Dennis on Mon Jan 09 2023 08:03 am

 > From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_CHAT
 > SD> I saw a picture on the Internet of some guy riding a motorcycle
 > SD> without
 > SD> a helmet wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops...but he was wearing
 > SD> a mask.
 > I have seen people in West Baltimore wearing masks outside at night on
 > the
 > streets.  That is the last thing you should be worried about in West
 > Baltimore on the streets at night.  A full body armour suit would be more
 > appropriate.

i dont care if people still wear masks, or if they wear them on their dicks.
what people did to other people during the covid scare was horrible. we were
one step away from nazi germany.  people lost their businesses, people were
physically attacked.  this happened in almost all of the countries.

i remember in australia a woman wasnt wearing a mask outside in a park and she
had a doctor's note.  2 police officers mauled her on the dirt and exposed her
bottom half to the public crowd that was watching for entertainment.

The company i worked at for 17 years threw us under the bus and HR took the
masks home with them to use with their famlies.  they fired tons of people and
gave the rest of us a paycut.  Office people got to 'work at home'  aka do
nothing and drink during working hours.

People killed their own family members out of hate or trying to spare them.
Tons of suicides.

I dont give a shit about masks, just as long as nobody is forcing anybody
else.   What we really need to talk about all the time is what people did to
eachother.   if it happened once it will happen again if we don't learn.

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