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Message   Jas Hud    August Abolins   i still wear them when..   January 9, 2023
 5:17 AM *  

  To: August Abolins
  Re: i still wear them when..
  By: August Abolins to Kurt Weiske on Sun Jan 08 2023 09:25 pm

 > And.. I stopped wearing a damn surgical mask. Throughout '20
 > and '21, I *did* still wear one all day at the shop, but I
 > noticed an usual change in my skin at one side on the bridge of
 > my nose. The skin was getting harder, darker, and was
 > developing what felt like a scab.  I really didn't put much
 > mind to it except that I just tried to scrub the area with a
 > cleanser as often as I could, but it was still getting worse.
 > Along the way, some people came to the shop with bandages over
 > their noses and telling me they had tumours removed!  As a
 > test, I started wearing the mask in such a way as to just apply
 > pressure at the TIP of the nose. In several weeks, I started
 > developing the same condition on the tip of my nose! Meanwhile,
 > the mark on the bridge of my nose seemed to change for the
 > better.  SO.. I said the heck with a mask.  Since then, the
 > scabby skin has diminished considerably.

you must be rubbing a lot to create scabbing. those other times you probably had
covid, also. this stuff was around since 2019
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