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Message   August Abolins    All   some interesting picks   January 8, 2023
 11:20 PM *  

My 3rd installment of new music discoveries and some  

A short list: 10 songs, at about 42 min.

[1] Fear of the Flame, Logan Staats.

[2] It All Comes Down to Love, Shawn Mullins

[3] Things That Go Bump In The Day, Rodney Crowell

[4] Anthem, Father John Misty

[5] Deadman, Logan Staats

[6] Ingnorance Is The Enemy, Rodney Crowell

[7] Georgia Moon, Pierce Pettis

[8] When It Comes Down To It, Tasmin Archer

[9] Somebody's Daughter, Tasmin Archer

[10] Hole In My Heart, Piece Pettis

--- OpenXP 5.0.51
 * Origin: The LOOK of MicroNET (618:250/1.9)
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