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Message   August Abolins    Kurt Weiske   i still wear them when..   January 8, 2023
 9:25 PM *  

Hello Kurt!

** On Saturday 07.01.23 - 09:32, Kurt Weiske wrote to Jas Hud:

 JH>> i still wear it when i go to walmart or if i'm by a bunch of people.

 KW> When I'm indoors, in places with dodgy ventilation, definitely..

 KW> I don't shop at big box stores any more..

 KW> My mom's 84 years old and a cancer survivor. I'm not taking any chances..

The single most effective thing in this process is avoiding  
people who cough and spit, and keeping your own hands away from  
your eyes, nose and mouth until you get a chance to sanitize or  
wash.  The "regular" cold and flu didn't go away anywhere, and  
THAT can be enough to send a senior to hospital.  ;)

I operate a small retail shop. The ceilings are quite high and  
the ventilation is pretty good (based on how quickly the heat  
escapes from the premises, and how often customers hold open  
the front door!  LOL)

I got hit with a nasty flu in the fall of '19.  I didn't  
experience any breathing issues, but the main problem was 103- 
104F temperature for about 24 hrs, and a modicum of soreness  
characteristic to having a flu.  Since then, my next cold/flu  
was in spring 2021 almost immediately when the shopping/ 
travelling restrictions eased up. I was simply lazy with the  
hand/eye/mouth, and santition routine. It was just a mild one  
and only lasted 3 days.

And.. I stopped wearing a damn surgical mask. Throughout '20  
and '21, I *did* still wear one all day at the shop, but I  
noticed an usual change in my skin at one side on the bridge of  
my nose. The skin was getting harder, darker, and was  
developing what felt like a scab.  I really didn't put much  
mind to it except that I just tried to scrub the area with a  
cleanser as often as I could, but it was still getting worse.   
Along the way, some people came to the shop with bandages over  
their noses and telling me they had tumours removed!  As a  
test, I started wearing the mask in such a way as to just apply  
pressure at the TIP of the nose. In several weeks, I started  
developing the same condition on the tip of my nose! Meanwhile,  
the mark on the bridge of my nose seemed to change for the  
better.  SO.. I said the heck with a mask.  Since then, the  
scabby skin has diminished considerably.


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