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Message   Jas Hud    Sean Dennis   Re: Funeral Quest   January 8, 2023
 3:49 AM *  

  To: Sean Dennis
  Re: Re: Funeral Quest
  By: Sean Dennis to Mike Powell on Sat Jan 07 2023 01:27 pm

 > From Newsgroup: Micronet.MIN_CHAT
 >  MP> Yes, Walmart and there are still places at work I won't go without one
 >  MP> on. Too many close talkers.
 > The only place where I wear a mask is due to the idiot-in-chief, such as
 > the VA or Social Security. XD

i just dont like getting sick. it's a huge pain in the ass. it's caused some
real inconviences for me whenever i got covid.

so i'll do whatever i can without looking like a total weirdo.
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