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Message   Mike Powell    NICK ANDRE   Re: Funeral Quest   January 7, 2023
 10:12 AM *  

> > Twilight zone, Outer limits, Forbidden Planet, The day the earth stood
> > etc etc. are on my playlists.
> MP>
> MP> The first two are on mine also, along with One Step Beyond, Night
> MP> and Tales of Tomorrow.

> Night Gallery was a really underrated show...

I think so.  Comparisons to the Twilight Zone are not always fair to it.
Rod Serling did write for both, and hosted both, but he had a lot less creative
input and control over NG vs. TZ.  The producers wanted it to be a different
show, and it was.  So it was not as good as TZ but was still good.

Also, some folks watch NG in syndication now and see the old "Sixth Sense"
episodes (which was, in first run, a totally different show with no
connection to Serling).  They think those are NG episodes and get the wrong
impression that NG is all about ESP and paranormal stuff.  A few of those
episodes are not bad, either (one with Joan Crawford, and another with a
young Victoria Principal, come to mind) but most of them were no where near
as good as Night Gallery episodes.


 * SLMR 2.1a * I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done.
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