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Message   Nick Andre    T.J. Mcmillen   Re: Funeral Quest   January 2, 2023
 3:39 AM *  

On 2 Jan 23  03:02, T.J. Mcmillen said the following to Nick Andre:

TM> I WISH something would "visit" .... but I doubt in my lifetime it will ever
TM> been seen.   People are just too stupid.  I still see morons driving around
TM> ALONE in the car with a mask on.

Ha! We have that stupidity up here too. I laugh whenever I see them.

It was explained to me once that there may be a good chance that they "live
amongst us", blending in for the purposes of studying either us or other 
species. With the way we are slowly lowering expectations in the name of 
equity and inclusion and thus lowering our collective IQ... they probably hold
us just one rank above flinging fecal matter. Wouldn't surprise me if they 
actually had much higher respect for wildlife.

Given how many weird people I encounter in daily life - and I mean WEIRD...
just freaking weird... I believe this theory.


--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (618:500/24)
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