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Message   Gaylen Hintz    Daryl Stout   Re: Alive, I tell you, I   September 10, 2022
 5:34 PM *  

-=> Daryl Stout wrote to Gaylen Hintz <=-

 DS>   Cue the music "Don't it make my brown eyes blue?". <G>
 hehehehe  indeed.

 GH>  Damn,  and I thought I had troubles. :)  Kind of like I told my kids
 GH> and
 GH>  anyone else who would listen..... " If I had known growing old would
 GH> be this
 GH>  much fun,  I would have waited awhile :) "

 DS>   Getting old is not for sissies. And, if you call me a sissy, I'll hit
 DS> you with my purse. <G>
  Bwahahahaha,  ok... promise I won't call you a sissy :)  OTOH,  I think
  I deserver the same respect. <g>

 DS>  I'll find out next week if I've become type 2...I hope not, as I'd
 DS> hate to give up all the snacks in the icebox. Plus, the tagline below
 DS> is my excuse. <G>
  I hear you thee.  I am a  type 2 diabetic but mostly under controll.  With
  meds I take I actually have to add a little bit of sweet stuff in my diet to
  keep from haveing too many lows.  I think the lows are much harder on you.

There's an answer to every problem.  Sometimes it's "No."

___ MultiMail/Win v0.52

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Micronet World HQ - (618:618/1)
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