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Message   Kurt Weiske    Rob Mccart   Re: Bacon   August 4, 2022
 7:46 AM *  

-=> Rob Mccart wrote to MIKE POWELL <=-

 RM>> I think what most Americans historically referred to as Canadian bacon
  >> suggested, BACK bacon, coming from a different part of the pig.

 MP>I knew it was from somewhere higher on the pig, and a more lean cut, than
  >where our BELLY bacon comes from.  :)

Everyone reading this thread needs to go out and obtain spaghetti, a yellow 
onion, a half-pound of bacon, back bacon or pancetta, sprinkle of Parmasano 
reggiano cheese, parsley and 4 eggs.

Chop the onion and bacon, fry and separate the grease. Set aside.

Make the pasta just past al dente. drain, keeping a portion of the water. 
Keep it in the hot pan.

Separate out the egg yolks, toss a bit of the water, bacon and onion, the 
yolks and cheese. Stir briskly, as you want the yolks to uniformly coat the 
pasta, not get cooked.

Season with a little more cheese and parsley.

Ok, now I'm hungry.

... Onward, to meatspace!
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