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Message   Northern Realms    All   Daily Horoscope   August 3, 2022
 8:00 AM *  

NYPost Daily Horoscope for Wednesday, August 3, 2022

***** Today's Birthday Horoscope *****
The cosmic picture on your birthday promises that if you turn on the charm
there is no limit to how high your star can rise. Both at home and at work
others are calling out for someone with your levels of courage and confidence
to take the lead. 

**** Aquarius ****
January 20 - February 18
You need to get past the idea that you can call the shots in your
relationships without being challenged. You may honestly believe that you know
what's best but as far as others are concerned this is about feelings first,
whatever the facts may be. 

**** Pisces ****
February 19 - March 20
You have pushed your mind and your body as far as they can go and now you must
treat yourself to some well-deserved "me time". The more others make demands
on you today the more you must demand they do some heavy lifting for

**** Aries ****
March 21 - April 19
What happens over the next 24 hours will lift your spirits and encourage you
to take a risk or two, though it rarely takes much to persuade you to push
your personal boundaries. You've got everything going for you now, so plan on
having it all! 

**** Taurus ****
April 20 - May 20
How you react to what other people say and do is of far more importance than
what you choose to say and do yourself. Let friends and work colleagues make
the first move then decide how best to proceed to promote your own interests. 

**** Gemini ****
May 21 - June 20
You will want to be on the move today but where you go and what you do when
you are there is of secondary importance. What matters is how you deal with
those you encounter along the way. Be nice to people and they will be nice to

**** Cancer ****
June 21 - July 22
Money matters should go well for you over the next 24 hours but don't take
that as a sign you can spend, spend, spend for the fun of it. If you end up
with more cash in your pocket than you expected try keeping it there for a

**** Leo ****
July 23 - August 22
As one of the zodiac's Fire signs you are no stranger to taking chances and
what you do today may shock a few people. It will also create opportunities
that you are perfectly placed to take advantage of. By all means push your
luck a little. 

**** Virgo ****
August 23 - September 22
You will be full of confidence today and your self-belief will make you hugely
attractive to people who lack your charisma. Where partnerships and
relationships are concerned you must not hold back - the more you give the
more you will get in return. 

**** Libra ****
September 23 - October 22
The planets urge you to think the unthinkable and ignore the critics and
cynics who say that certain objectives are beyond you. With Venus, your ruler,
nicely linked to Mars today there is no doubt you can accomplish almost
anything you please. 

**** Scorpio ****
October 23 - November 21
You are determined to make your mark and are prepared to bend the rules to
make a name for yourself. The only problem is if you come across as too
ruthless you could make the sort of name that does you more harm than good. 

**** Sagittarius ****
November 22 - December 21
Be willing to go the extra mile today, both in your personal life and at work.
While your rivals search for an easy path to success you can just blast your
way through any obstacles that appear in your path. You're an irresistible

**** Capricorn ****
December 22 - January 19
Today's Venus-Mars link will help you overcome any doubts you may have about a
long-term relationship. Put your heart into it 100 percent and truly believe
this will be the start of a wonderful new chapter in your romantic affairs. 

(C) 2022 NYP Holdings, Inc. & Sally Brompton - All Rights Reserved

--- up 1 week, 3 days, 12 hours, 46 minutes
 * Origin: Northern Realms | | 289-424-5180 (618:500/23)
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