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Message   grayman    jahmas   VADV32   November 9, 2023
 3:17 PM  

Re: VADV32

> Re: VADV32
> > Just as a FYI, if you feel like going down the WAF rabbit-hole, Cloudfla
> > a free/hobby version and it does a good job.  Granted, it's not a s
> > bullet, as a WAF will never completely cover for application security fl
> > but it'll help knock out a lot of the script kiddie/scanner garbage
> > I'm working on building on my BBS now, and I'm placing Cloudfl
> > soon as I get a little further downstream I'll post up the details
> > everyone.
> > Cheers
> I'm quite curious and will look into it. Is your board up and running?
> Mysteria Majicka BBS: Cape Cod Massachusetts. Running Virtual Advanced BBS on
> 10 Nodes.  VirtualNet / AspectNet,telnet:// or majicka,no-ip.

Not yet, but I'm getting closer.  I just bought the hardware, now I'm sorting
out the security stack.  I'm fight against the clock for hobby time, but I'm
hoping that Christmas is going to net me a free week to finally get it done.

So far it's looking like this:

Cloudflare WAF
NGAV (Next Gen Anti-Virus)
Agent based SIEM (not sensor based)
Foothold detection
Pfsense or Firewalla firewall

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