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Message   Rob Mccart    MIKE POWELL   Re: Bacon   August 1, 2022
 12:37 AM *  

JH>> Meanwhile here in Ontario "Canadian Bacon" is called "Peameal Bacon" and ou
  >> milk comes in sealed plastic bags.

MP>Seeing as how you are actually Canadian, and I am not, you would know
  >better than I.  On a trip to Canada, I wanted to try "real" Canadian bacon
  >and learned that what we call Canadian bacon in the states is usually just
  >ham, and that there are two types of Canadian bacon.  Supposedly, one is
  >from a different cut of pork than where our bacon usually comes from (IIRC,
  >it is made from shoulders instead of bellys) and is therefore leaner than
  >ours.  I tried that kind and it was good.

MP>The other kind was the peameal, which I wanted to try but didn't find it on
  >the menu anywhere I stopped.  Of course, it might have helped if I had
  >stopped at more mom-and-pop eateries and not at Polish or Indian places I
  >had read about.  :)

Peameal bacon is often sold named as just a cut of pork or ham. It has a
coating of, surprise!, peameal on the outside which is where it got the name
but that name is not used as much in recent years as in the past.

I think what most Americans historically referred to as Canadian bacon is, as yo
suggested, BACK bacon, coming from a different part of the pig.
 * SLMR Rob  * Ambition: excuse for not having the good sense to be lazy
 * Origin: * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
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