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Message   grayman    jahmas   VADV32   November 8, 2023
 8:05 AM  

Re: VADV32

> Re: VADV32
> > Have you considered looking into what it would take to install a WAF (We
> > Application Firewall) in front of the bbs? It might be a possible soluti
> > eliminating some of the bad traffic through simple condititional access
> > (geolocation).
> > Sorry if I'm butting into an already existing conversation.
> > Thanks,
> No apologies! You are part of the conversation. I was hoping to just
> configure the telnet front end to block the offending countries. Now that
> I've changed my port number to 1955, I have had only one port sniffer wh
> was from Ukraine. Does not say what part of Ukraine however.
> The bbs has been online a few weeks now with only one reboot. Now I'm ha
> jah
> Mysteria Majicka BBS: Cape Cod Massachusetts. Running Virtual Advanced BBS on
> 10 Nodes.  VirtualNet / AspectNet,telnet:// or majicka,no-ip.

I'm glad it worked out!

Just as a FYI, if you feel like going down the WAF rabbit-hole, Cloudflare has
a free/hobby version and it does a good job.  Granted, it's not a silver
bullet, as a WAF will never completely cover for application security flaws,
but it'll help knock out a lot of the script kiddie/scanner garbage.

I'm working on building on my BBS now, and I'm placing Cloudflare in line. As
soon as I get a little further downstream I'll post up the details for


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