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Message   jahmas    Havok   VADV32   October 1, 2023
 6:03 AM  

Re: VADV32

> > Wow! I have been up and running now for 5 days without having it shut down.
>   How share whay you found or also did, even though I have been having
>   no trouble it's always good to know!
>   Thank...

For what it was worth, VADV32 had been knocked offline daily and once twice
in one day last week. I looked at the pattern of IP addesses which were
pounding me prior to the shut downs. These IP addresses were from Korea and
Vietnam. I opened the blocked countries list and it was empty. Curious! I
thought I had populated it with countries so, I put in the obvious ones like
China, India etc., and now watching to see what happens. I think I'm going to
have to use another port number after all.

Mysteria Majicka BBS: Cape Cod Massachusetts. Running Virtual Advanced BBS on 
10 Nodes.  VirtualNet / AspectNet,telnet:// or majicka,
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