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Message   Sean Dennis    Arelor   Ugh   July 28, 2022
 12:30 PM *  

Hello Arelor,

Thursday July 28 2022 07:51, you wrote to me:

 A> Autumn is fine until rains start. Then the pastures get flooded and
 A> they are stuck in the barn for longer.

Areas just north of me in Virginia received eight inches (20.3 cm) of rain
overnight.  Here, we can get heavy rains any time of the year and often do!

From the US National Weather Service's Weather Prediction Center in College
Park, Maryland, in today's national short-term weather discussion:

"The second half of the week continues to be headlined by a seemingly never
ending fire hose of monsoonal and Gulf of Mexico moisture that is
producing a conveyor belt of heavy rain and thunderstorms from the
Southwest to the central Appalachians. After multiple days worth of heavy
rainfall in parts of the Ohio/Tennessee Valleys and central Appalachians,
the prospect of additional heavy rain and thunderstorms makes these
regions more vulnerable to flash flooding, as well as rising creeks,
streams, and rivers. The steady onslaught of rich atmospheric moisture and
potential for training thunderstorms makes it likely that additional flash
flooding is anticipated in these areas. As a result, a Moderate Risk
(threat level 3/4) is in place for eastern Kentucky, southern West
Virginia, and far southwest Virginia. It is here where flash flooding is
not only likely to unfold at times today, but flash flooding could be
significant to even life-threatening in spots. The threat for flash
flooding extends as far west as the Middle Mississippi Valley and as far
east as the central Appalachians where Excessive Rainfall rates may lead
to flash flooding in these areas as well. By Friday, a cold front
approaching from the north will push this conveyor belt of rain and
thunderstorms a little farther south into the heart of the Mid-South, but
parts of West Virginia, eastern Kentucky, and southwest Virginia remain
under a Moderate Risk for flash flooding."

Luckily I am just south of SW Virginia and in a much lower risk area.

-- Sean

... Old musicians never die, they just de-compose.
--- GoldED/2 3.0.1
 * Origin: Micronet World HQ - (618:618/1)
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