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Message   MIKE POWELL    SEAN DENNIS   Re: Fidonet   July 25, 2022
 4:09 PM *  

> -=> Mike Powell wrote to SEAN DENNIS <=-

>  MP> In POLITICS, Lee's defender was usually Alan Ianson, although others
>  MP> would sometimes buy into him also.

> Alan left Micronet because he felt it was too right-wing.  In COOKING,
> Dale Shipp is Bjorn's useful idiot.

I think that he left POLITICS for similar reasons.  In most other echos,
Alan seems like a good person to talk to but, in POLITICS, he could never
explain his stance on much.  Pretty much boiled down to either "it makes me
feel bad" or "Orange Man bad."  He was as obcessed with our President as
Bjorn is.  Alan would also CONSTANTLY post something and then claim he never
said it, even when it was quoted back to him.

Other possible reason Alan disappeared there was because he spent a lot of
time telling us how much better of we'd be if Biden was President and does
not want to eat his words.  Then again, he never said any of it, soooo....

>  MP> Hopefully, Bjorn is not Sweden's version of Keith Richards.  :O  :D

> His wife is already dead.  You should see Nick's response to Ward in
> FIDOGAZETTE about Bjorn and my own response in the upcoming issue of the
> FidoGazette basically blaming Ward for allowing Bjorn to continue his
> shenanigans.

I saw that and responded to it re: how Bjorn cannot ever be President of
the USA.  Nick really cannot stand him.  I am willing to put up with Bjorn
so long as he is not talking politics or some other BS.  Lee, OTOH, rarely
seems to post anything of value anywhere.  Maybe I don't read the right
echos, but I never even see Lee post anywhere but POLITICS or a sysop echo
(where he doesn't belong).


 * SLMR 2.1a * "Stamp Collection??  Ha-Ha!" - Nelson

 * BgNet 1.0b12 = moe's tavern * 1-502-875-8938 *
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