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Message   Arelor    Mark Hofmann   Re: The BOINC Project   July 23, 2022
 2:14 PM *  

  Re: Re: The BOINC Project
  By: Mark Hofmann to Sean Dennis on Sat Jul 23 2022 10:22 am

 > I don't see those types of issues ever going away completely until there are

THere are very good solutions for containerizing web browsers already. I
remember listening to a podcast in which they interviewed the head of a
startup which did web browser containment. What they did, essentialy, was to
fire up a web wrowser in a remote vistual machine and forward the GUI to the
client computer - the web browser was not even running in the user's computer.

Un fortunately, no ammount of technical solutions can solve stupidity. Managers
think they can throw tech at problems, but the best container won't do crap if
some employee answers to a physhing email and delivers industrial secretsd to a

The only way forward is making people understand things and make use of common
sense, but as things are, those tasks are hard and nobody wants to get them

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