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Message   Gamgee    August Abolins   Re: The BOINC Project   July 18, 2022
 8:21 AM *  

-=> August Abolins wrote to Gamgee <=-

 G> If you have a lot of cycles not doing anything, why not put
 G> them to good use?  The configuration allows setting a
 G> threshold to where if non-BOINC use reaches a certain
 G> amount, the BOINC work stops until the load goes back down
 G> again.  Cooler and CPU lifetimes are not worth
 G> consideration, to me at least, as the change is not enough
 G> to matter.  :-)

 AA> After all that number crunching, what kind of data stream are
 AA> we taking about for BIONIC?  Being primarily on mobile data, it
 AA> probably is not wise to participate.

I don't actually know, exactly.  But it's not a continuous stream or 
anything.  Every now and then the client on your computer will request 
and download a few "work files", which I believe are not very large.  
Then your PC does the crunching and uploads some kind of results file 
when it's finished, again not very big.  Probably some Googling would 
reveal how much data is transferred, and it likely depends on which 
project you're working on, too.

 AA>> Reminds me of the outrage that some people experienced
 AA>> when they learned that their pcs were automatically
 AA>> participating in bitcoin mining.  I don't remember the
 AA>> original story at this time.

 G> Well, that would be different due to the unwanted/
 G> unauthorized use of the PC.

 AA> The matter was with Norton.  They installed a bitcoin miner as
 AA> part of their package. However, the user had full knowledge of
 AA> its existence and wasn't activated by default.  It turns out
 AA> that it could be disabled and the .exe could be removed.

Then those peoples' outrage was somewhat misdirected, since they had to 
have activated it at some point.  Still somewhat shady, no doubt.  
Reason # 2,156,339 to avoid Windoze.  ;-)

... Great thing about UDP jokes? I don't care if you get them.
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