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Message   Mark Hofmann    Gamgee   Re: The BOINC Project   July 17, 2022
 1:22 PM *  

G> Anyway, if you have, or are, also participating with BOINC, I'd like to
G> hear about it. It's one of those things that can make you feel like
G> maybe you've done a little bit of good in advancing some scientific
G> research. Kind of satisfying stuff.

I have participated in BOINC projects for many years.  I don't recall when I
started exactly, but at least 5-6 years ago and participated in many projects.
The most recent one was Stop Childhood Cancer.

They recently took their server offline for an upgrade, so I paused for the time
being.  I'm also considering doing a new PC upgrade/build to have way more
horsepower.  My 8-core AMD 4.1Ghz has been great for 8+ years, but I'm doing so
much on it these days.  Crypto mining, working remote using it, etc.  It is also
my home DVR and was running BOINC.  So basically I keep it VERY busy. That is
why I also need the extra AC unit in my office due to excessive heat.

- Mark

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