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Message   Sean Dennis    August Abolins   The BOINC Project   July 17, 2022
 10:57 AM *  

Hello August,

Sunday July 17 2022 08:25, you wrote to Gamgee:

 AA> I prefer to make sure that all potential CPU cycles are at the
 AA> ready for MY needs.  ;)   Besides, the cooler the pc runs (two
 AA> laptops here) the better for me and the lifetimes of the CPUs
 AA> and fans.

BOINC can be limited to how much of the CPU it uses and is no harder on your
system than streaming video.

 AA> Reminds me of the outrage that some people experienced when
 AA> they learned that their pcs were automatically participating in
 AA> bitcoin mining.  I don't remember the original story at this
 AA> time.

BOINC is a voluntary thing.  You're comparing apples to oranges because you know
nothing about BOINC...

-- Sean

... All progress springs from me. - Anonymous
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